Detailed Hourly Forecast for Kavala - Dexameni Area / WxSim

Temperature Wind Chill Wind Speed Temperature, Wind Chill and Wind Speed
Sunrise is 03:37, sunset is 17:04 - Sunrise Hour=4 - Sunset Hour=17
      Forecast generated on Saturday 20 April 2024 at 06:00 GMT
Time Temperature Wind Chill Conditions Precipitation Humidity Wind
Saturday 20 April 2024
10:00 12.9 ° C 12.9 ° C
Overcast Overcast
0.12 mm 65.3 % 2.6 kph
Wind from the NE
11:00 13.2 ° C 13.2 ° C
Overcast Overcast
0 mm 64.8 % 1.5 kph
Wind from the NE
12:00 14.1 ° C 14.1 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0.11 mm 61.2 % 3.3 kph
Wind from the NE
13:00 14.8 ° C 14.8 ° C
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0.03 mm 59.2 % 5.2 kph
Wind from the SSE
14:00 16.1 ° C 16.1 ° C
Sunny Sunny
0 mm 54.7 % 7.9 kph
Wind from the SSE
15:00 16.8 ° C 16.8 ° C
Sunny Sunny
0.11 mm 51.7 % 8.3 kph
Wind from the SSE
16:00 16.5 ° C 16.5 ° C
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0.04 mm 53.7 % 7.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
17:00 16.4 ° C 16.4 ° C
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0 mm 54.3 % 7.6 kph
Wind from the SSE
18:00 16 ° C 16 ° C
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0.03 mm 55.6 % 6.9 kph
Wind from the SSE
19:00 15.2 ° C 15.2 ° C
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0.02 mm 59.4 % 6.1 kph
Wind from the SSE
20:00 14.6 ° C 14.6 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0 mm 62.5 % 5.8 kph
Wind from the SSE
21:00 14.2 ° C 14.2 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0.04 mm 64.6 % 5.6 kph
Wind from the SSE
22:00 13.7 ° C 13.7 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0.01 mm 67.5 % 5.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
23:00 13.4 ° C 13.4 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0 mm 69.2 % 5.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
Sunday 21 April 2024
00:00 13.2 ° C 13.2 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0.22 mm 70.5 % 5.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
01:00 12.6 ° C 12.6 ° C
Overcast Overcast
0.07 mm 75 % 5.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
02:00 12.3 ° C 12.3 ° C
Overcast Overcast
0 mm 76.6 % 5.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
03:00 12.3 ° C 12.3 ° C
Overcast Overcast
2.73 mm 76.9 % 5 kph
Wind from the SSE
04:00 10.6 ° C 10.6 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0.92 mm 90.9 % 4.1 kph
Wind from the SSE
05:00 10.3 ° C 10.3 ° C
Cloudy Cloudy
0 mm 93.3 % 3.5 kph
Wind from the SSE
06:00 10.3 ° C 10.3 ° C
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0.88 mm 93 % 3.3 kph
Wind from the SSE
07:00 10.6 ° C 10.6 ° C
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0.29 mm 92.3 % 3.4 kph
Wind from the E
08:00 11.8 ° C 11.8 ° C
Mostly sunny Mostly sunny
0 mm 85.4 % 4.1 kph
Wind from the E
09:00 13.8 ° C 13.8 ° C
Mostly sunny Mostly sunny
0.89 mm 74.5 % 5.4 kph
Wind from the E
WxSimCSV Version 0.33.22.en
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Details: This is an automated forecast, based on weather data collected automatically from Kavala's Personal Weather Station and other resourses (numerical weather models, radiosonde, observations and METARS all over SE Europe etc) It refers to Kavala's city and the area around it. Temperature and relative humidity are calculated at the elevation of the weather station (90m) and may vary depending on the elevation of other city areas. Weather data collection and processing takes place every 6 hours and the forecast is issued on this webpage after 35 minutes when data processing is over. The forecasting accuracy is better than 80% for the first 24 hours, 70% for the next 48hours etc.